Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 27

Today I had to do some personal man stuff today and then again tommarow. I got up at 6:15 am to eat me bagel with cream cheese. We spent a couple hours figuring out what to do and to finish the list that my mother gave my dad and I to complete. We met with the social worker to work out some questions we had. Then we went to the family room to call in to Social Security Disability. We set up a telephone appt. tommarow to start the ball rolling on that. The only thing that threw me off was after I told them what vien I thought was good they tried a different vien. They ended up using the vien I told them but I dont think they cleaned it, so if I get an infection I know what it is from. I'm just happy to be back home again.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Good luck tomorrow!
